My co-author and I wanted to write an article concerning Socialism. Yes, we know the dangers of socialism if its left unchecked. But, we appreciate the good things that Socialism can do for a society. For instance, Socialism placed a man on the moon because a collectively owned government program, NASA, placed a man on the moon. We don't think a private company could have accomplished that feat. Anyone that has attended a state owned university has benefited from Socialism. People that are able to sustain themselves in retirement due to social security have benefited from Socialism.
Socialism is not the evil enemy that many people portray it to be. Socialism unchecked may produce negative consequences just as Capitalism unchecked may produce negative consequences. Lets look at the Republican proposal to turn Medicare into a voucher system. Imagine being above 65 and taking your voucher to a private insurance company to buy insurance. A private insurance company will most likely raise your rates because people above 65 have more medical costs and private insurance companies are in the business of making money. Medicare on the other hand is a safety-net for people who cannot afford higher rates. Socialism protects those people.
We are not defending complete socialism and we are not denouncing Capitalism with this article. What we are saying is that some socialism is really good for the country. It allows the country to do great things and help many people.
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