Movies and TV

The Movies and TV Page features ongoing discussions concerning films and television. Below is a list of Pure Random  articles that concern film and TV.

Pure Random Movie Articles - Links:
Review of "The Help", Discrimination and our Favorite: Equal Rights

Movies and TV Discussion Forum. Leave a comment!

To start off the movie discussion section of this blog I thought I would discuss one of my favorite movies of all time. That movie is the Exorcist. The Exorcist is often considered the scariest horror movie of all time. However, I consider the Exorcist to be much more than a horror film. I consider the Exorcist to be a serious drama in which a mother will do everything in her power to save her daughter. In addition, Linda Blair was nominated for an Oscar for the film. Its very rare that an actor is nominated for an Oscar in a horror or science-fiction film. So yes the Exorcist was wonderfully acted and the Exorcist is a wonderful dramatic piece of art. Please leave comments if you want to continue the discussion..    Kyle.

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