Monday, April 15, 2013

Whats Makes A Good Movie A Good Movie

     WE ARE BACK! A lot has been going in both my and my co-authors life that we weren't able to post any new articles. Since most of our posts are usually about politics, I thought I would change it up a bit and talk about movies.

     Do you know how many movies I have seen? It is crazy the amount of movies I have seen. I have seen from the cheesy horror movies to the dramatic Oscar winners. And one night, while mildly drunk, I asked my co-author, "Do you know what makes a good movie well a good movie?" And I could sense him coming up with this big educated lecture of what  makes a good movie. I cut him off and went with my lecture with what made a good movie a good movie.

    One day in one of our car rides we were listening to the radio station and they were discussing the recent death of one of the Bee Gees. And the one older radio host said that he thought that the Bee Gees were one of the best bands to live. And in response, another younger radio host said that in his opinion they weren't. He didn't like their repetitive lyrics and their voices. To respond the first radio host said it had nothing to do with that, but to him what made their music great and one of the best is the memories he had through everyone of those songs. In some point of his life something would happen and one of their songs would be playing. Somehow what this guy said really stuck in my mind. Its not all about the bad music but the memories you form or the memories the music brings or even the way you can relate to each song, and that is how I feel about movies. There is a lot of factors to what makes a good movie a good movie though. Just because you had this one good memory while watching a movie, that one memory doesn't make that movie good. For example, my co-author was born in the 80's and while he loves Total Recall because of it being done at that time, I on the other hand thought it was one big joke. I couldn't get past the bad acting, the bad but sometimes memorable quotes and the bad graphics. While watching a movie even though it is bad I try and keep an open mind.

     Of course that is not the only thing that makes a good movie a good movie. There are obviously all the technical things such as acting, graphics, script, editing and all that good stuff. For example, just look at Cat Woman. Worst movie I had ever seen, not even 30 minutes in I already wanted to change the channel. BUT I stuck to it. I couldn't help but laugh through most of it from being so bad. At the end it just made me think what the hell were the actors thinking through most of the movie. For example, most of Arnold Schwarzenegger movies make me have respect for the guy. They are so ridiculous you can't help but laugh at how bad they are. The good movies he has been in my opinion have had both good director and good supporting actors, although when you get a bad director you get Total Recall, and Hercules Goes to New York. Most of his movies have that unbelievability that could turn it cheesy like Commando or even Terminator although that was actually pretty good. Look at True Lies, a great movie except the ending with the jet plane. I can't say anything bad about Terminator 2 Judgement Day, Twins, Predator, Collateral Damage although through most of them there is unbelievability. I think one wrong turn in directing could have made those movies bad.

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