One of my biggest passions in life is reading. Recently while watching AMC I stumbled across a commercial advertising a new mini series called Bag of Bones. Of course it would be my favorite author Stephen King. So the next day I picked up the book from my shelf and started reading it as soon as possible before the series starts. But as I started reading the book I did a quick mental note of how many of his books have succesfully been made into books or series. So I started jotting all the ones that thought were good and the ones that were a big dissapointment.
The first one on the list I have got to say is The Shawshank Redemption I thought it was exceptionally made. When I saw the movie I recited the lines amd was amazed on how good of a cast they had picked. Even though the movie was made exactly as the book I have got to say it was not one bit boring or lackluster. I absolutly adored it and bawled my eyes out.
The second one was Firestarter. I read the book not that long ago when I had nothing left to read. I thought it was very good. I was completly engrossed into the book. The whole experimentation part of the book made me feel horrible for the people and made me think that those kinds of things probably did happen and or are happening. When I finished reading the book for some odd reason the movie by art of magic was on. I stayed up till 4 in the morning only to be utterly dissapointed. There were various scenes that were exactly alike and other I couldn't help but think what the hell!?! And of course the choice of actors was horrid I think the only one that was good was Drew Barrymore and the dad but otherwise it just left me thinking that if I had money and a videocamera I would probably be able to direct a way better fact I may just do that. Although I'd need actors, and money, and a camera, and place to shoot....I guess not a good idea but either way I'd be better.
Next is of course the most famous of them all the ok wait second IT is probably the first...anywho The Shinning. Now first thing about the movie I have got to say even though it had a whole lot not like the book it was actually pretty fucking great. I loved Jack Nicholson in it he was amazing. Now like I said before its not precisly like the book I heard the mini series that had come out on Scy Fi was more precice I have yet to watch it though. I heard that The Dome was coming out on HBO or whatnot as a mini series. But I never heard more from that I wonder if it was dropped or if its still in production. Either way I would love to see how that comes out I think that would be a very good one. "Salems Lot was an amazing book not anything like that Twilight crap(no offense to those that like Twilight please dont get into this drama filled discussion because I will stand by my point saying that it is crap and totally not realistic like of course 'Salems Lot). I totally loved the book although I did have a lot of questions regarding the book which of course I have not gotten any answers only just formed hypthesis. Anywho I did see the 70s mini series which was named something else but of course it was 'Salems Lot. I did think that it was very cheesy at certain points. For example when you get the shots of the vampires being in the air and trying to get into the peoples houses. You could totally see that they were on wires and of course that it was fake. And also there is a part in the beginning that was nothing like the book. The person who I saw te movie with loved the movie to tell you the truth I didnt really care for it but for him he thought it was amazing. He said that he liked how there was just so much suspense even though there were parts where it was poorly made the suspense and drama of the film made you forget the crappyness of some scenes. I know I have yet to cover more movie/books but I will just leave it as a to be continued sort of thing so without much be continued